it's my meilani's 5th bday today! hooray for my car! =P 90K mi and still going strong. yay. =) anyways, its tuesday nite and i'm feelin' pretty great. got in late last nite from a couple days at long beach, spent with my cousins. got up early to go to work and survived a 10 hr shift. got out and got to spend some time with old friends i dont see much and a good friend that i rarely see! damn, i'm really blaaaayyy.... *ehem ehem* rite now! =P anyways, tomorrow is all that's stoppin' me from a fun filled New Years weekend in vivaaaaaaaa LAS VEGAS! i can't wait x 3! so yeah, life is good. and don't you forget it!

written dezalb repus


Merry Christmas!!!

Hope your day was blessed with joy and happiness.

Happy Birthday Jesus. =)


OMG. I'm officially done with college. I dunno when it actually hit me, but I'm hit. Hard. So is this it? Am I done schooling? I mean... it's all I've known. All 19 out of 22 years of my life. Now what. Yes, I'm working, full time. Yes, I'm officially into the "real world." But really. IS THIS IT? Just work, work, work for the rest of my life? Is this what I've been striving to study for? I've been good at school, cuz hey, I'm good at schooling. Talking to a friend, she asked "what is IT exactly?" Hmmm. I figured school was IT before, but now, what is IT? Where am I suppose to go now? What direction should I take? *sigh* This is gonna take me a while...

Anyways, my new job is cool. The people are really cool and best of all, my supervisor rocks. I'm barely learning the job but everyone says I'm learning pretty quick. We'll see, once I actually get to doing it how well I really do. My days are starting to seem a lot longer. I'm valuing sleep and my bedtime is changing from am to pm. Harharhar. It's only my first week, I have no reason to bitch. Yet.

Been craving lots and lots of my favorite money making/losing habit lately. POKER. Had my fill right after my last day of finals. Spent most of my last Friday playing at Village Club in Chula Vista, a small poker room someone told me about. Did well, made what I normally will make in a single paycheck. Friday night was spent with the fam. Dinner and karaoke at the Ronquillo's new and ballin' pad in the Eastlake area. Late Friday night and Saturday was spent in Riverside for a snowboarding excursion to Mountain High. Thanks for driving Mark, and thanks for convincing yer parents to let you take the new 4runner! =) AND thanks for re-introducing me to you know who. I really, REALLY missed her, haha. Sunday was spent with the fam again, church, CPK, then Ocean's 12. This was followed by Manila Sunset and Viejas. More gambling, haha. How can I refuse!? Anyways, made TWO more paychecks that night, so I can't complain much. Sucks you don't know what I make per paycheck. =P

Anyways, my training at work continues this week. I'm anxious to learn and start working. I'm anxious about the future. I'll just have to wait and see. Good things come to those who wait and are patient. No need to rush LIFE. I got it. Life is IT. Now what? Now life. Can't wait! Haha!

Stay warm. Perform RAoK (Random Acts of Kindness). Enjoy the season. And for those of you who know it, keep the P.L.U.R. (^_^)\\//


So, guess my New Years vacation in Tahoe is now a vacation in Las Vegas. Not a bad change, so I'm not disappointed. In any case, my paper's all done and was submitted yesterday! Just got that stupid PSYC 101 final to worry about. Reading for it is SOOO boring though! I had to go and buy myself the fourth Harry Potter book just to compensate for boredom. It's all good, this is the last chapter in my UCSD story, so I gotta handle it. I'll be opening a new book and writing new chapters as a full-time wage earner. Heyyyy ya. =P Well, guess it's back to studying. Hooray. Like Mae said, can't wait to take the test and demonstrate all the knowledge I've learned these past 10 weeks from my wonderful professor. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Stay warm y'all!


I know it's been forever since I have last posted. This past month has been crazy, my last month as an undergrad, seeing that all goes well and I pass my last two classes. My final research paper is due in a couple days and my last final ever (again theorectically) is this Thursday! What's crazy is that I already have a job lined up. Yessir, been at dem apps and interviews and yep, got meselfs hired! =) I'll be following my Newgen legacy as a CSR (customer service rep) for Trader Publications. I know you've heard of them. They do those penny saver looking magazines called AutoTrader and the likes, 'cept you gotta pay a buck for 'em. I don't know how much I'm looking forward to working 40 hours a week, but we'll see how I feel when I get my paychecks. =P

So anyhoo, in this past month alone:

  • I have finished my research and presentation for my HDP class
  • Gotten new snowboard gear and gone on my first SB-ing run for the season at Snow Summit. Although I finally got my carving down (ha, 4 yrs later), the drive back sucked!!! 4 hrs just to get back to LA since it was foggy and raining during the drive with traffic down the mountain. =/
  • Ate lobsters for T-day eve dinner with the fam instead of Turkey, and got to drink/get drunk with my mom for the first time ever! A shot with your parents is something you never forget, esp. when they don't normally drink.
  • Shopped like crazy (my poor, poor credit cards)
  • Landed a job!!!

Can't believe some things are coming to an end and other are just beginning. I thought I'd never be where I am now. I guess life just presents you new things to look forward to and makes you say goodbye to the old things.

Can't wait 'til new years. Week away in Tahoe baby! How much better can it get? Snowboarding, gambling and drinking!!! It's like heaven on earth. So ecastatic, err, excited!!! =P

Happy Holidays~