Tomorrow would be my grandma's 72nd birthday. Instead of celebrating with us, she'll be celebrating with the angels in heaven. I'm sure they're gonna have a big shindig! Some saddening news today... my good friend's grandma passed away. I was the first one she called. Similar cases, I guess. Life is funny, and ever-changing. I don't think I'll ever figure it out. I have a lifetime to decipher it, I guess.

Got the apartment all to myself. My female roomies are in Hawaii, and Eugene is back in sac-town for the week. It's kinda nice, since I cleaned it up really well and it feels really homey. Got my mom's cleanliness habits, I guess. =P Think I'm just gonna go chill and have a bir, I mean, beer.

School is starting soon. Last and final quarter. I'm excited. I love fall quarters. One Last Hoorah.


It's been over a month since you've passed away. Things have changed but are still in the process of recovery and rebuilding. I know you still affect our lives and now continue to watch and guide us. We will always love you. I will always love you.

Summer school is finally over. 2 sessions back to back, although I didn't get everything I needed to get done done. Unfortunately, events of the recent past delayed the finishing of my classes, and I will have to stay one final quarter. It's okay though, I feel it's a blessing in disguise. God had better plans for my grandma, and I'm sure he has better plans for me too. I continue to hope and pray for guidance, because my life needs a good deal of that right now. Life is all about change, and I should be ready and willing to accept whatever it brings me. *sigh* God bless...