Death is one BIG reality check. =*(



So many things to do, so little time.
The laziness within me, tends to keep me off-line.
Dance practice, and APO GBM,
APO pledge fellowship, to name some of them.
Got two midterms on Tuesday. Damn I'm screwed.
But on the brighter side, my parents are bringing me food!
So with a little luck, I know I'll get through these nights.
I'll tell ya one thing tho, I'm not going down without a fight!



*Was lookin' forward to the first San Diego Rave in 2003!
*Was lookin' forward to the first San Diego Rave in a WHILE!
*Was lookin' forward to San Diego's "Up on Done it!"
*Was lookin' forward to the love I received tonight: Good vibes, free food, free bottled water, and free candy!
*Was lookin' forward to Dancing my Ass off and having a good time!

*WASN'T lookin' forward to SAN DIEGO'S FINEST to break up the party at 12:30am! =(
I be straight TRIPPING again!!! Muhahahahaha.

Dang bizatch! You got me trippin' for some fizool!?! I ain't trippin'! I ain't no fizool!!! You should just bizounce your ugly izass up on outta here! *slap slap*




And it looks like I'm gonna sleep at 3am again! Hooray.


Dang, this sleeping at 3am thing is becoming a naughty habit.

Today was an APO day. Woke up at around 3pm only to go to campus and help Daniel out with his forum. Congress people Susan Davis and Bob Filner were among the few advocates to talk about empowerment. Helped out 'til around 8 then went to work out. Ate the free food I got from the forum then met up with more APO people at Tapioca Express for a late night Boba run. Yay, I missed those. Saw a few familiar faces there, but it's not unusual. Loafed the night away at home.

Study? What's that?

Damn I'm sore. It's what I get. It's what I deserve.


Yay to great days.

So I had some sad news about classes. I'll have to drop CogSci 17, for it is not possible for me to get credit. "Students may not receive credit for both Biology 12 and Cognitive Science 17." Something my friggin' counselor could've told me last quarter! Errrr. Oh well, that's life, just gonna have to make up for it next qrt, and that I will.

Slept in today, but it's ok, I got a lot done later. Got a B- on my paper that I thought I did fairly well on, and I guess it's a sufficient grade for the reasons the grader gave me. I'm not mad. Nathie got an A-. I'm proud of her, and she did hers hella last minute. Ate at the traditional Tuesday night Great Khan's with Ryan and Laurie, and not Eugene because I didn't know where the fudge he was. Hit up the APO meetings, missed Smallville, worked out, caught the end of the Laker game, then mosied on home. Now I'm headed to Joe's place to watch the episode I missed and the latest Simpsons episodes. Laters peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoples. =)


'Notha lazy Holiday. Did aboslutely nothing productive, in the school sense. Woke up at around 1-ish, only to go back to sleep 'til around 3-ish. Afterwards, Eugene and I went down to National City and ate at Karihan, one of my favorite Filipino Food places. Eugene had Lechon (roasted pork), BBQ chicken, and Sabao ng Sinigang (tamarind-based soup. I had Longanesa (Filipino sausage), and Sinigang na Karne (same soup but w/ meat). We came out super full. Then we went to my house where my fam was waiting. We all went to Coronado Island Naval Base afterwards to shop at the NEX (Navy Exchange) but got there 5 mins 'til closing, so we didn't get much shopping done. My 'rents hadn't eaten yet so we went to a Vietnamese restaurant near Mesa College to get some more grub. Eugene and I ate sparingly and just ordered drinks, but my fam had Pho and 7 courses, since they hadn't really eaten all day. After that, we departed their company, went home to La Jolla and watched the 2hr Joe Millionaire Finale. We totally called who he was gonna pick, AND called what the twisted ending was (they made 'em a millionaire anyways!). We SO predicted that last week. Loafed around and went online for the rest of the evening. Damn, my grades are gonna suffer...

Picked up a great quote which I think applies to the current situation:

"I'd rather regret something I did, than regret something I didn't do."

Great words spoken by the "loser" of Joe Millionaire, the unchosen Sarah who thought everything was going according to plan, but instead had everything blow up in her face. Hey girl, gotta realize, second place, is FIRST loser. HAHAHAHA! That was mean. Anyways, I should get some shut eye. Tomorrow brings a new day and new opportunities in this thing called life. Good night =)


So I got my wishes granted. Went home Saturday night and ate out with the fam at a Japanese restaurant called Sushiyama. It was formerly Daiichi which sucked but now it was good. I had some sake and lots of sushi. Afterwards, we ventured up to Viejas and stayed til 4am! We didn't win though. I WAS up but staying there for that long, it's inevitable for me to lose. Slept in Sunday morning cuz we were all lazy to get up for the usual 10am mass. When we all did get up, we had crabs and tortas for lunch. Stuffed with a good lunch, I headed to Plaza Bonita, where I haven't been in ages, to get new glasses. While waiting for my new pair(ready in just under an hour!), I visited Nanette at surf city squeeze and got my smoothie on. Did a little window shopping but didn't find anything I liked, at ALL. Besides, I already shelled out 140 for the glasses. Played Time Crisis 2 (one of my favorite all-time arcade games) at the arcade TILT to kill some more time and passed the game with only one credit, hehe. Saw my friend from HS Roy there. What a coinkidink. Got my new glasses. Went home and we all caught the 5pm mass. Along with my aunt and uncle, we went up to Benihana's to get dinner, but to our avail, it was a 2hr wait to get seated. So, we went to our backup place called Shogun Kobe in Clairemont, a Benihana rip-off, but the same quality, none-the-less. I split a bottle of sake with my uncle and the Rose Dinner Plate, which composed of chicken, shrimp, lobster, steak, and vegetables, along with soup and salad and fruit. I was stuffed, except I didn't get to finish my food due to the fact that my stomach started to hurt in the middle of eating my dinner, and I had to use the restroom. =( Watched Gone in 60 Seconds at home then chilled with Mark + the homies at James' place down south. We smoked hookah and had great laughs. Since James is a lightweight, he had only 3 smirnoffs and was tossed. He was singing and stripping for us. Hehe, that's what cameras are for... To embarass your friends with naughty pictures later on! Drove home up north less bored, but became bored again. Ended up cleaning the whole house by myself from the mess that was created by Friday's party. Now, I'm just chillin' with the roomie Eugene, cuz no one else is home, and watchin him play Final Fantasy X on PS2. Fun stuff eh? (not really =Þ)


Yesterday was decent. We had a small party at our house, which was pretty chill. Slept late and woke up around now, hehe. Well, it's time for me to go home and get some good grub. Too much of the college scene is unhealthy. Church tomorrow, and whatevers with the fam. I kinda wanna go shopping and to the casino. Imma ask them, hehe. Peace out! (^_^)\\//


Dang, it's late.

Not bad I think, for what I expected. Hope y'all had a great V-day, whatever V may mean. *wink wink*
Days go by...


Thanks to all those who are kind-hearted and open-minded.

Thanks Joanne! =)

Thanks to God, you have always come through.

Thanks to my family, you're in for a surprise.

Have a great day everyone, don't be afraid to express the love you have for each other, because you don't know when your time is up, and you'll regret not taking the chance to express your feelings.

Peace out...


(This blog inspired by JD Salinger and his "Catcher in the Rye," Mr. Holden Caufield)

I've been kinda damn sick since damn Friday. Sucks for me, cuz I'm already a damn lazy person, and being sick just makes me even more damn lazy. I can't get damn motivated to do fuckin' shit when I'm damn sick. Bah.

Still lectored on Sunday even tho my damn voice was fuckin' hoarse as hell. Watever, I'm fuckin' hardcore like that.

The damn APO GBM was cool. Lotsa cool and funny things happened, especially the damn demo for the Valentine Grams. You'd think them bastards were fuckin' the god of all Barber Shop or something. My Grand-Big surprised me with a damn gift and I felt so damn bad for A) not knowing who the fuck she really was and B) still getting me something even though I don't really damn deserve it. Thanks Milly. My big left all of a sudden due to some damn mystery business he had to handle. Sucks, I wanted to sing the damn toast song with him. Hope you got yer shit done Brian. Ended up being the damn chair for the Smallville fellowship since I volunteered my fuckin' house, and that shit took place today.

The Pledge meeting ran ridiculously fuckin' long. So damn long that I was hella late for damn IM bowling. I feel so damn bad cuz I let my fuckin' team down, and we lost all four of our damn games. Next time, I'm just gonna stay for fuckin' Education, and let one of my friends just update me in regards to the damn pledge meeting. Did fairly well on the damn first quiz we took, got 20 out of 25. Yay, got my 80% passing requirement for that damn quiz, hehe.

Again, cuz I'm fuckin' hardcore, didn't bother to get rest after IM bowling, but instead, met up with fuckin' Mark and Anthony at damn CANES. Dieselboy was rippin' the damn ones and twos, and I swear I haven't danced that fuckin' hardcore to DnB for a long ass time now. It was off the fuckin' hook, and totally worth the damn $20 cover. But, I don't think all this damn going out and stuff was very good for my fuckin' sickness, cuz I felt like shit yesterday.

Today was just a long damn day, but it went damn well. Schooled myself, got the traditional Tuesday dinner at Great Khan's with Eugene, then hosted the damn Smallville fellowship for my APO buddies. Now, I'm just lazy, so fuck everything else, I'm playing damn playstation!
Why? I don't fuckin' know why!


So it's for real. I have the coolest big sib in the world! Brian, my new sib, is so cool that he got me my favorite candy Ferrero Rocher, and really cool light toy that pulses to sound and to touch for my car, and yes, a cup of BOBA! Yay! He had one fer himself cuz he wanted to share a cup of boba with me off the bat. Dang, I feel so special. On top of the gifts, my new family in Alpha Phi Omega is RHO! Throw out your rules, these are the RHO RULES! Great people, mad fun. Twas a terrific day at mission beach today. =)

Chilled at Joe's apt for the rest of the evening. Watched the NBA all-star specials, and played a satisfying amount of Red Alert 2. Man I missed the feeling of complete and utter DISTRUCTION of my enemies! Muhahahahahahaha! =Þ Was suppose to study, but THAT didn't happen. Oh wells, there's always tomorrow. Hehe. I say that everytime. Gosh, I'm exhausted. Great days call for great sleep. Time to make that happen. Peace out! (^_^)\\//


I get to find out my sib tomorrow! All I know is that it's not a girl. We had a pretty extensive convo about who's cute in APhiO last night. This was a swell friday. Woo! I know now why they distinguish the weekDAYS from the weekENDS! :-D


Yay big sib(whoever you are)! Yay Joanne! Yay Jellie! Yay Emotion! Yay kik-ass papers! Yay roomies! Yay days like this.....
Sometimes, we just forget the beauty of a brand new day.


That's it. I'm out TOGETHER. =D
Procrastinating about writing an essay. It's the greatest thing.

So yeah, I had great reason to feel how I did. TWO FRIGGIN' D's. BOTH MY FRIGGIN' MIDTERMS!!! Aiya......

At least this week doesn't resemble the horror of its predecessor. Thank God...

Currently: Holding on by threads....


Today, I did something I've never done in quite a while.....
I've heard of bad days, but bad WEEKS?