Happy 21st Birthday Margie! Love ya, girl!


OMG. Am I consistently blogging at 4am in the morning? That's fucking great. Why do I do this to myself? I swear, I'm a friggin' insomniac. Aiyaaaaaaaaaa.


On a different note, this day was loooong but goooood!!! Started it early at 7am to take my lola to dialysis. Did laundry while waiting for her. Picked her up and bought her lunch. Worked out with Mark. Then we went to Horton Plaza, bought smoothies, and shopped at Urban Outfitters. All I can say is, clarity is beautiful. It's nice to NOT have no idea. *PARALLEL TRACKS* ...always. Dropped off Mark home after driving through traffic. Saw a stupid sucker get pulled over who ran a "No turn on red" sign!!! He deserved it, he did something wrong, AND cut me off in the process. I don't deserve any of mine. I'm never doing anything wrong when I get my tickets. I'd feel more justified and will not be as bitchy if I knew I did something wrong and received a ticket for it. Karma people. Karma. Headed to the base and met my dad so we could pick up our prize money for the league. My dad is cool. Love ya dad! He tried so hard to get me on his team next season, but it seems futile. It's really hard to find women bowlers. Our team placed 12th but was enough for a $55/person payout. I don't feel so bad because 1st had a $70/person payout! Then I had dinner with the fam at Outback Steakhouse Mission Valley. My fam is the coolest! Esp my mommy!!! Love ya mom! My mommy bought me a huge-ass steak! Then she bought me chucks. Yay! Actually, Mark bought the chucks at his work AND got me a discount. Thanks bro. Ended up spending only $26 bucks! I'm happy cuz I've always wanted chucks. And THEN my mom bought me a massage in one of those a massage in one of those aqua massager thingamajiggys. It was GREEEEEEEEEEAT. I was so sore from working out and stuff that it seriously felt like East County(aka heaven!). After the mall, I played Santa Clause and brought my teammates their share of the prize money. They were all surprised to get such a good sized refund. Played piano for a bit at Tawny's, borrowed a DVD from Tiff, and had Joe come over to my place. High with energy off of my nice, long, good day, I decided to wind down by watching "Stitch, the Movie," the DVD I borrowed from Tiff and Adrian. Margie comes in and we argue over who had the "longer" day. Margie DEFINITELY had the longer BAD day, and I DEFINITELY had the longer GOOD day. Annie also comes over to watch the movie with Margie, Eugene, Joe and I. It was alright, definitely not better than the OG Lilo and Stitch movie, but hey, what can you expect from a flic that went straight to DVD and video. Can't believe they're gonna have a TV series too! Bleh. Then I talked to Jo for a while and reminisced about how much easier HS was and how scurry it's gonna be after college. Dayaaaaaaaaam, I'm scurrrrrred. I love talking about random shit. It gets me thinking about where I came from, where I am, and where I wanna go. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to meet my destiny head on, although I haven't the slightest idea what it may be. Whatevers clever, "I'll see you when I get there, if I ever get there, see you when I get there."

Headstrong, we'll take on anyone!


Another late night. Or is it early morning? Who knows, or cares for that matter. Anyways, lately the days seem to just lead into each other, blending in a mixer one big fat smoothie. What is it about the summer that makes things different? Yes, I have summer school and I'm not a complete bum, but the overall vibe that surrounds me and the way I act is not the same as the regular school year. It's nice though. Relaxed, chill, and enjoy now, worry later are some of the descriptions that come to my mind. I wanted to get my midterm back today for MMW 5, but it seems they're not ready yet. Guess I'll have to wait until Thursday's lecture to see how bad I failed. Some things I can't believe right now:
-I have great friends that I love.
-How much my family loves me and shows me that love.
-I only have two more weeks left of summer school.
-Next Thursday is the final.
-This is my LAST MMW class!
-The summer will be winding down next month.
-How much I like my new roomies(who were my old ones that I missed living with).
-How great this summer is going.
-How content I am with the way things are going.
-How much of an alcoholic I am.
-I'm a senior and this coming year is my LAST year at UCSD.
-How much I've grown, physically, mentally, spiritually, and as a person.
Things have been taking their course, finding their place, and becoming more clear to me. Again, it's nice. I hate it when things are not clarified. I don't like being confused. Right now, I am who I am(whoever that may be), and I do what I do(whatever that may be). :-p I'm fine with my life. I'll tell ya, it's a great feeling. I'm not one to worry my life away! What for? That time may be used for greater (more enjoyable) things in life. I mean, why use your time feeling sad and blue all the time, when you can use it to be happy? Don't you think that that's a better use of time? Our lives on earth are only so long that I'd rather fill it with moments I can look back on and smile about, vs moments that I'll regret or make me feel bad. I hate reminiscing about times when I fucked-up. I'll keep them as reminders, and incentives to avoid them in the future, but reliving those moments eat me up inside. So, best to keep those moments minimal, and fill the majority with things I can look back on and be proud I'm me. That reminds me, I need to regulate on myself. It's time for a little change.


Today was pleasant. Even though I spent most of it sleeping, I was still able to sit through a 2.5 hour boring-ass lecture that made my forearms hurt from writing too much, have dinner and boba with my friends in APO, and chill with the girls at their apartment til 3am in the morning. Sucks that in about 4 hours, I have to be home to take my lola to dialysis. Meh, sleep is a luxury. Plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead, right? I'm looking forward to this weekend. It's Margie's 21st on Friday and Jay's on Saturday, so there's gonna be a joint party at my pad Sat night. Yup, I said it, a JOINT party, haha. I know, lame joke. But oh well, it's MY fuckin blog' and YOU can't do shit! ^_^ I'll do what I want to. Besides, I usually get what I want anyways. Part of the benefits that come with being an only child. Nya nya nya nya nya nya! *sticks tongue out* I'm entitled to express my OCSness, aren't I? Damn, I'm such an insomniac. It's 4am and I'm still up. I should go to bed soon. I'm known to do crazy things in odd hours. Besides, I think I've seen one too many sunrises within the past week anyways.


I love it. So much.
I hate it. So much.
One thing's for sure.
I'm not stopping it.
I can't stop it.
Why stop it?

...I won't worry my life away.
I went on a trip today.
It was very nice.
Baggage was unneccessary.
I had great company.
The best a guy could ask for.
That's all I need.
I enjoyed.....
-broken down cars in my garage
-family and friends
-freestlyin' and freeflowin'
-sunday afternoons
-my backyard
-campfires, stories, and hugs
-visits by my friends in black and blue
-late night talks
-early morning visits
The world is a big place, and we're mere specs in it.
That's great.
No, that's awesome!
Mind blowing even.


Last night was GOOD TIMES.


It seems that my family carries with it a lot of LUCK. How come I don't have any of it, or do I?


So yesterday night was kinda crazy for me. The day part was nothing out of the ordinary. Took my lola to dialysis in the morning. Picked her up in the afternoon. Chilled and watched TFC most of the day. Took Mark to get his car. Then watched the Lizzie McGuire movie on DVD. Earlier in the morning, I had felt this sharp pain in my stomach, but didn't think much of it. It wasn't unbearable(just yet). I met Joe and Tiffany at In n Out, so we could head to league. Tawny couldn't make it because of midterms. After halfway through the first game, the pain became so sharp that it was unbearable. I couldn't walk or stand up straight, let alone bowl. It was hard to breathe and each breath was short. I had my teammates call my dad, and sadly, we had to leave. I felt bad for abandoning my team, and making my dad leave his team, but as everyone said, it's just a game. Health is more important. I dunno why I think of others still, even though I should be thinking about myself. That's just the way I am, I guess. My dad drove me to Balboa hospital emergency. There were loads of people. I had to be brought in by a stretcher because at that time, the pain was still unbearable. Even talking made it worse. I was praying it was nothing serious, like appendicitis, or kidney stones. THAT would be bad. I hoped for cramping, or muscle spasm. At least those are less serious. My mom came and replaced my dad as my watch, so my dad was able to bring my teammates back to their car. We waited for a while before finally being attended to. That was fine with me. I was sure there were other people with more serious ailments than me. After a thorough examination (which included a urine test ^_^), the doctor deemed it to be a sporadic abdominal muscle spasm, so now, I have to dose myself with lotsa Motrin. Sucks, I have to take it easy. No working out, no body boarding, no running, nothing strenuous for a while, or until the pain subsides. This makes me sad. :-( Oh well. Better than, say, appedicitis right? Mmmm, I'm full, ate a good lunch. Think imma nap for a bit before class. Interesting night. Let's just say, I had a lot of time to think, and when its interesting what one can think about when in desperate moments. :-)


That that, ya damn midterm! Hehe. Finally got that stupid midterm over with. Answered all the questions on the test, 6 IDs and 2 essays, but not in depth and detail. It's ok though, because I studied really broad for the test, since our prof didn't provide us with a study guide. I don't feel so bad, and I'm sure I did ok. If not, I'm sure I did as well as most of the other people in the class. I just have to hope for a "point adjustment!" What's weird is that I wasn't really stressing out about the test. Maybe it's because I'm in "summer mode" and my brain doesn't wanna work as hard, or maybe because I thought I knew I can get by with the preparations I have managed to gather. I just have to hope now that I get a decent grade. Well, at least now I have nothing to worry about except the final. Hooray!


Quote I wanna save:

Don't tell me what I want to hear,
but rather, show me what I need to see.


Hooray for midterms. Can't believe I'm finally pulling through my last MMW class. Don't get me wrong, I hate MMW with a passion, but none-the-less, it's cool that it's finally gonna be over soon. Just 3 more weeks. Doing well studying for this sucker. Takin' a small break right now. Set up a study group for tonight. Then I have all day tomorrow to study before the test at 5pm. And THEN, it's party time! Yay! It's great that it's not that hot today. Otherwise, I would've been really discouraged to study(again). Well, time to get back to work. Bye bye for now!


...then one day, it hits you. You realize what's really important. You realize the things in life you really miss. You realize that here and now should be enjoyed. It's a gift, that's why it's the present. You realize that you can't change the past, but that there's always room for change in the future. You realize reality.


Another night of partying. Summer parties don't end, do they? I was pretty much sober status. Seem lately, I only drink to get incapacitated if I know I have no obligations the next day. In the back of my mind last night, all I could think about was how I had to make it to church in the morning. *sigh* Whether I wanted it to be or not, last night was an eye opener.

"Open your eyes, see all the love in me, I got enough forever. Don't be afraid, take all you need from me, and we'll be strong together." HHC - Eye Opener


It's a new day. New. Everyone loves things that are new. New days keep me hopeful, hopeful that I'll always have opportunities for a fresh start.
I know you're probably sick of me hearing this, but imma say it again, I love my friends!!! Tried to catch up on sleep yesterday night, since I was ridicously sleep deprived the night before due to our little excursion back to nature. After waking up, Margie, Matt, Christine, and I headed to the beach, since we made plans before we slept to beach bum it when we wake up. We were there until around 4pm. Time flies when you're having fun! Margie and I boarded for a bit but we came out earlier than usual. Since the waves were really strong and frequent, we were getting trashed! Yup, the waves handed us our asses on a plate. I got swallowed so many times. Played a bit of rally volleyball with Matt and Christine, and some strangers joined us to play too. (They were pretty good) What kinda happens next is a funny thing. When we got back to car I checked my phone for missed calls and msgs and at that time, Anturnizee calls. He asks me if I got his msg, which was if it was cool to have a drinking session tonight. That didnt sound like too bad of an idea. Got class from 5-720pm then dinner with my parents after. Hmmm, drinking sounds like a plan! Now I had something to look forward to. So it's funny because when I pick up Eugene after class, he tells me that him and Matt already had plans to play some beer pong, and they were gonna ask me to join. Eugene found it funny that we already had plans to drink. Then Margie calls and tells me the bitches are coming over to chill and drink too. Margie found it funny that we already had plans to drink. So I guess everyone was really on the same page, which was kinda funny. ^_^ I invited the usuals and everyone showed up. Even though Annie and Joanne didn't drink (for good reason, they had stuff to study for), it was nice that they still showed up. The vibe last night brought back memories from sophomore year. It was pretty much the same crowd that chilled and had fun and drank in the old apartment at the Venetian, with new additions Eugene, Jay, and the girls, but excluded the ex-roomies Joe and Luis. It's seriously nice that we have this house. No more write ups to worry about. Lots of space. And a garage to play beer pong in! What more can we ask for? =) We also played some blackjack for quarters. I played house. Everyone came in even except for Margie, who broke the house for a $1.50. Now, I have a lot of cleaning up to do. But that's ok, I learned from someone that whenever you drink, there's always the aftermath.

Sorry, long blog, but it was a good day. (^_^) \\//


I miss late night shananagans!!! So at 3am last night, a group of us went to see the Perseid Meteor Shower at its peak. We drove out to Mt. Laguna in Alpine. Among the star gazers were Annie, Elene, Joanne, Mark and I. We found a clearing and a place to chill. It was nice to see all the stars and night and be in a place lit by nothing but moonlight. It was nice to escape the city for a bit, with its hussle and bussle lifestyle, to a place more placid and tranquil. Mark and I blasted off. I'm sure we were a bit spacey, and I apologize to the girls for any space cadet action they may have not liked. =P Had a lot of time to think, and I did A LOT of thinking. I thought about the past, the present, and the future. I thought about where my life is going, and where its been. I thought about family, friends, and relationships. I thought about school, surprisingly enough. I thought about God. I thought about how lucky I am to be who I am, and how unfortunate others may be. I thought about a lot of things I take for granted. The journey didn't end there. Afterwards, we headed to the beach where as my spaceship landed, I was able to take a clearer look at things. Things I don't normally appreciate, like the dawning of a new day. Satisfying my munchies, I didn't bother to sleep. Instead, Mark and I tried to stay awake and chill, then drove home south around 7am. We have splashdown...

Finally got all the old financial matters taken care of! Yes! So our power won't be shut down anymore. Yay! Today was another scorcher, and running around doing errands in this weather wasn't really pleasant, but it had to be done. After making sure lola was ok and had plenty of food, I drove back up to La Jolla and got myself a pizza near Margie's work. I dropped by to say hi to my best bud and then headed home north. Shared a late meal with Jarrod, and we go to talk a little bit. From the beginning, I knew Jarrod was a good guy, and I've always liked him. Unlike a certain Pogi, right gie? =P Damn, its so hot. Got league tonight. Imma rest up if I wanna bowl good.


Got up today earlier than normal feeling hunger as hell. Maybe it was cuz I was just on empty, or maybe it's remnants of my munchies from the session yesternight. Cruised over to SDG&E in the blazing sun, windows rolled open all the way, thinking about the gas I'll save if I don't use my A/C. Mosied over to El Cotixan and bought myself a scrumpcious California Burrito, which I inhaled like a Hoover vacuum as soon as I got home. It was only fitting after a meal like that to follow it up with a trip to the gym. Today, for some weird reason, the weights seemed lighter, and I was able to lift more. Amazing sometimes what the body can do when it's pushed to its limits. Met Jelyn's brother Jeth there, who was putting in his weekly workout hours. Funny, I half expected him to be there since I saw his at the same time last week. Afterwards, I chilled with Jelyn for a bit as she unethusiastically answered phone calls at the UCSD Recreation reception desk. I don't think I'd survive at a job where time passes like a senior citizen doing 20mph in the fast lane. It was nice to catch up on things. Had plenty of time to get ready for class when I arrived at home. Ryan paid us a visit and we settled old financial matters. *sigh* I'm glad that's finally over with. Now, no more late bills and fees. I'll make sure of it. Class was boring, like usual, and like usual, I fell asleep for most of it. Czrena was nice enough to get me some chicken nuggets from Wendy's during the break, which kept me awake for a full 10mins, only to pass out again afterwards. What's wrong with me? Do I just hate this class that much? Aiya. I need to pick up the pace. Oh God, the midterm is next week already. Met with Eugene and Matt at Stanley park to shoot some hoops, since the plans with the ladies to see a DVD was shot, or postponed. I'm not sure. Got the usual Flame Broiler dinner afterwards, then persuaded the guys to play a bit of blackjack against me for some quarters. Let's just say, tonight's a PLAYERS night. I finally talked to Mr. Astarita(owner of our house) for the first time today. He seems like a nice fella. I hope to remain on his good side, since I'm kinda in charge of things now. Well, it's gonna be a long night if I plan to go with the girls to watch meteors late at night, or morning. It's time to go jogging. Great day today. Mm hmm. Yup. Great. =)


It's so hot. So hot that I can't sleep anymore. Boooooo.


Random thought: Is it true that you never actually realize what you have until you lose it?


Today, Ronnel went to the "wonderful" country of MEXICO! Christine and Joyce, my cousins, came down so I can lead them in their journey to Mexico. Christine's friend Christine and her sister April also came along. We left around 11am and reached Puerto Nuevo at the originally estimated time 1pm. Can you say GRUB?!? We started it off with a pitcher of strawberry Margarita, exercising our God-given right to drink in the country of Mehiko, and some seafood ceviche. Everyone got the combination plates, except for Joyce, which consisted of lobster, fish, and shrimp. I had TWO combinations cuz I'm matakaw! (aka hungry bastard :-p) After a great meal, we shopped around the town and bought a lot of knicknacks. I finally bought my own flask! Yay! Then we headed to Rosarito and chilled at the Rosarito Beach Hotel. I got to know Christine's friends a little better, but it sucks cuz April ended up losing her ID, and we had to head back to the border since 1)we couldn't go clubbing anymore and 2)we might've had trouble getting April back into the country. Everything turned out ok thought, except that she is now without a driver's license. We then met up my parents at Barona casino and ate at the buffet. After that, we spontaneously hit up a mira mesa party that the two Oxnard girls(Chrisitine and April) knew about. Looking for something to do, Joanne and Elene ended up crashing the party!!! S'all good, cuz it was pretty popping, although I had to get the dancing started up! When it comes to dancing and decent music, Ronnel has no shame. :-D Now we're here, chillin' at my place and the girls are watching Monster's Inc. while I shower and stuff. Damn, I'm tired, but it's crazy how much energy I have...


Being one of my bestest friends, you already have my attention. You don't know how much !$#.


It's fcuking hot out there!!! Hot and irritable weather make hot and irritable people!!! Be it may, they become HORRIBLE drivers too! I should know, I'm one of those assholes. Today I switched into a freeway lane without checking my blind spot, therefore cutting someone off, almost ran into how many cars from behind, and advanced at a stop sign although it wasn't my turn yet. Today they switched into my lane causing my to swerve outta the way, cut me off because they forgot to check their blind spot and I'm an itty bitty sports car, ran a red light in front of me, and blocked an entrance driveway leaving me stranded in the middle of an intersection for a while. Great stuff huh?!? Be careful out there people!!!

I hate school. I hate classes. I hate reading. I hate not having fun when its summer. I hate you!!! Haha, j/k!

I like watching all the good movies. I like chillin' at home since its so clean now. I like my new roommates. I like cold smoothies on hot days. I like boba. I like gallavanting. I like my friends. I like you!!! Not j/k this time! ;-)

"Summer days, drifting away, but oh, those summer nights!" -Grease
"It's called making love because you have to MAKE LOVE WORK." -American Wedding


Lost four games today at bowling league! Ahh! We should've won, but we didn't. It would've set our team up to be in a good position to place within the league. Oh well. We lost. Nothing we can do about it now. What's done is done. That's ok, there's always next week. We're just gonna have to remain hopeful and try harder the next time around. After all, we can't win all the time...


(*4am drive to the park*)


Las Vegas was awesome!
This weekend was great.
Body is suffering from overkill and abuse.
Cleaning the house is fun!
Summer school isn't.
The sun was hot.
It's that time of the year again.