It's been weeks. Aiya. Have I been that ignorant. Or lazy? I dunno. Anyways, summer school is over, thank God. Ended a couple fridays back. I know I was hella stressin' over that shit. Two classes over one UCSD summer session is killer. But I finished. Now hopefully, I passed the classes. I still haven't gotten the grades. Been gettin' back inton bowling lately. I wanna bowl more now. I wanna get good again. Tomorrow, I work opening shift at Quickly. Peter's dad died, sadly, and there is no one else to cover for the shifts but me. I'm a bit scared since I've never done it before but I'm sure I can handle it. Summer is soon coming to an end and school will be starting soon. But for the meantime, I work and work. Nothing else better to do. Masterbation is getting boring.... :-p

The weekend was cool. Friday, hit up a rave in Hollywood at club Q-Topia. Saturday was my lola's birthday. And today was pretty chill. Ate out after church at VIP's with fam and friends for lola, saw Barber Shop at the theatres, saw Resident Evil at Anthony's friend's house, then worked/trained a bit at Quickly's. Twas a chill day but tiring too. I'm gonna catch some sleep, if I wanna be awake to even open tomorrow. *sigh*