Woooohoooo! It's been a good day. Post birthday celebration action! Hahaha. Studied with Nathalie some Tagalog before the midterm at 1pm. Got a lot of laughs in, making fun of our native language, and got a lot of good jokes in :-p The midterm was pretty straight forward. Had work until 7ish, then went to the casino with Margie! I've been wanting to go since last night! I'll tell you, it was a GOOD casino night. Brought my parents some boba, then went to use the bathroom real quick. I was planning to eat, since I was really hungry. Got a call from my mom while I was in the bathroom telling me to come to where they were quick! My dad hit a pretty BAR, 10x, 10x He said he got it right after I gave him the boba, haha! 3000 quarters, makes for a nice $750. My mom gave me a bill and said "Happy Birthday!" with a smile. :-) So, already up, I went to eat with Margie at the cafe at Viejas. Got nice and full, talked about lotsa stuff, and caught up with my best buddy on recent events. Afterwards, we both wanted to try our luck. Deciding I'm gonna get lucky since Viejas owes me for yesterday, I play the $25 minimum Blackjack table. Win my first hand with a cheesy 17. Double up my bet to $50. Next hand dealt to me: BLACKJACK! Yay! Up another bill! I"'m ready to leave," I tell Margie. But Margie wants to play. So we say bye to my family but play a few slots on the way out. Margie loses $40, and I lose $50. No biggie. We planned to leave, BUT Margie wanted to try her luck at the tables. She's never played before. So we look for a open seat, but there aren't really any at the lower minimum tables. So guess what. We end up at another $25 minimum table. Margie wanted me to play for her, but I didn't allow it. I just ensured I'll be there to coach. So get this, homegirl plays $25 and guess what she was dealt: A BLACKJACK! She only made $25 though because the dealer had an ace showing and we took even money. Next hand, she plays another $25 and gets an 8 & 3, with the dealer showing a 5. DAMN! A double down hand. We do it, but only pull a 2, 13 all in all. Dealer flips an ACE under his 5, pulls a face, then busts! Yay! She's up $75 now from the orginal $25, but she wants to play another hand. We lose that hand, because it sucked. THEN we left. Cashed our chips, then left. It's all good, we both came out as winners, with full stomachs. Always the best when the food was "free" too. Drive home content, then make a nice trip to the bank. :-D Now, I'm just waiting for Mark to get here, and we're off to Fullerton for Friendship games at 3:30am. That for the day, then Monster Massive at night! I'm so excited! And happy! And have money! Yay! Thanks to God for the blessings he's bestowed upon me this year. I'm 20. I AM TWENTY. Provided plenty for my twenty, I guess. ^_^
So my birthday was as pleasant as any could be.
Many of my friends warmly greeted me.
Great family & good food, chewy boba & cool brothers;
the day was fulfilling, just like any other.
But no ordinary day, was the day that just passed.
It was my birthday, and I'm sad it can't last.
And while I lie in my bed, I thank God as I pray:
"Dear Lord, I thank thee for the wonderful day."
Many of my friends warmly greeted me.
Great family & good food, chewy boba & cool brothers;
the day was fulfilling, just like any other.
But no ordinary day, was the day that just passed.
It was my birthday, and I'm sad it can't last.
And while I lie in my bed, I thank God as I pray:
"Dear Lord, I thank thee for the wonderful day."
Last few minutes of the day I came out of the womb anniversary! :-p Didn't really expect much from this day, just like any other, and just like I expected, it was pretty chill. It's all gravy, because the celebration is reserved for this weekend! Slept a good amount today, got up at around 11. Dressed up and headed to school. Had Wendy's for lunch. Who woulda thought!? Saw Marianne with friends, dropped by the SAAC lounge to eat lunch and pay for the t-shirt and fees for friendship games this Saturday, saw Jelyn, then went to CLICS to do my Cog Sci HW. FUN STUFF! SERIOUSLY! Drove south to home home at around 3ish to avoid traffic. Chilled for a bit then ended up washing my car, because everyone was raggin' on me about how dirty it was. I guess it's my car's birthday too! It got its present :-D Had a fulfilling dinner at Kanpai, and I got some free yummy green tea ice cream, cuz I told them it was my birthday (told em in Japanese, of course!). Hurried home to watch Friends only to find out it's a rerun, but a good & funny episode, so it was worth it. Drove back home to my pad then met up with my brothers to get Boba at Tapioca Express. Chilled and talked about the great weekend we're about to have. I swear, if I didn't have a midterm tomorrow, I'd be doing more tonight! I seriously wanted to go to the casino and press my luck! Oh well, guess not tonight. So what's next? More studying! Gee, I love this shit! Woohoo! Go UCSD! Hahahahahaha. I'm on crack :-p Just a natural high, I guess. Confused from not knowing what I am. WTF is 20? Not a teen anymore, but I can't even drink. The USA is a fucked up country. The legal age is 19 in Canada! I had a blast there! It's 20 in Japan! Why did the states have to make it 21? We're they smoking some shitty weed in the process of making laws?!? Then deemed it 21 just to fuck everyone over and put more wait and misery into those who are TWENTY years of age? Ahhhhhhhh! Hehe. In all honesty though, I'm not really that in a hurry. My time will come, as will my years and the experiences to go with it. Thank you God for yet another birthday I'm living to experience. Thank you.
After a long day of hard work, I'm finally home, and guess what!? It's my birthday! Right now! Yay! I guess.... Nothing really special to celebrate about. I'm only 20. Sucks, not a teenager anymore, yet, I'm not an adult. "I'm not a girl! Not yet a woman!" Oh, hehe, I'm a guy! AND I'm not Britney Spears either, so yeah, I shouldn't be singing that. :-p Well, BOTH my brothers forgot to greet me. I gave them a million chances, and a million and one clues! Oh well, can't blame them. I'm a forgetful person too. I'm gonna go and "celebrate" now. Yay me.
Ever miss your family's cooking? I know I do. Got a taste of home today by going home! Muhahahaha. Ate yummy yummy Filipino food cooked by my super uncle, and super cook from Australia, tito Ramon!!! Brought Anthony with me and grubbed with my mom at home. Was extremely satisfied.
Hit up the APSA meeting today and brought Eliza. It was her first meeting. I actually liked today's meeting. Didn't have that "I want to leave now" feeling I sometimes get while sitting through a long GBM. Stayed a bit afterwards then came home to watch Smallville, eat a FREE pizza and buffalo "kickers" from Domino's, and do HW until now. What is it, 2am? Jeez, why am I always up at this hour!? Can't I be normal and sleep BEFORE 12 like a normal person? Haha, but what is normal. This is NORMAL for me. I guess normal is redefined with each person. ^_^ Ok, well I'm gonna crash, for crashing's sake. Not because I'm tired, just for sleep's sake itself. Right? Right.
Hit up the APSA meeting today and brought Eliza. It was her first meeting. I actually liked today's meeting. Didn't have that "I want to leave now" feeling I sometimes get while sitting through a long GBM. Stayed a bit afterwards then came home to watch Smallville, eat a FREE pizza and buffalo "kickers" from Domino's, and do HW until now. What is it, 2am? Jeez, why am I always up at this hour!? Can't I be normal and sleep BEFORE 12 like a normal person? Haha, but what is normal. This is NORMAL for me. I guess normal is redefined with each person. ^_^ Ok, well I'm gonna crash, for crashing's sake. Not because I'm tired, just for sleep's sake itself. Right? Right.

Yesterday (and by yesterday, I really mean Monday!) was FULL again. I'll just post my away msg for the whole day:
12-3 class
3-4 work out @ RIMAC
4-5 hip hop class
530-930 work @ quickly
Then after THAT i did:
945-1100 ping pong w/ joe
11-12am run around campus
12-1230 eat w/ marianne at her room
1230-1 run back to car then go home
130-3 loaf around the house
12-3 class
3-4 work out @ RIMAC
4-5 hip hop class
530-930 work @ quickly
Then after THAT i did:
945-1100 ping pong w/ joe
11-12am run around campus
12-1230 eat w/ marianne at her room
1230-1 run back to car then go home
130-3 loaf around the house
Been a great recovery day. Somehow managed to get up at 830 and read for the mass at 10. Ate lunch at Royal Mandarin. Got a pre-birthday song sang to me(how embarrassing). Got boba with Anthony afterwards. My family went up to Long Beach for the day. I went home and slept. Woke up, studied a lot, did a lot of HW, and now, I'm tired again. Great, just great. Another long day to look forward to tomorrow. Sweet dreams y'all.
Some things in life hit you harder than others. Everytime I look back and reminisce about my past, things of the present hit me even harder. The experiences you gain through everyday life shape who you are, and who you will become. I don't doubt life anymore. I used to, until the multitude of hard-hitting phenomons decided to bite me in the ass, showing me that life will continue with or without me. I'd let it be, but I didn't want to be left behind, stranded, like when we were ditched at the Mexican/American border with only two cars, but 15 people. No way, none of that! So I continue with this Life fella, sometimes riding along in the passenger seat, and sometimes switching off, taking the wheel. If you're wondering what kind of car it is, well, it's not just one car! Life and I, we've had our poor days, rolling in a shitty Hyundai Elantra. But, we've had our balling days too, crusin' in our E-class Benz. Some days, we take out our sporty Twin Turbo Supra. Others, we feel like riding with the crowd by means of the simple, yet efficient, Honda Civic. And when we feel like listening to the beat of a different drummer, we pop in the Drum n Bass CD, and zoom out in our Lotus Espirit. The road has been long, and the end is still not in sight. I don't think we'll ever see the end. But I know I'll be prepared when it comes around. Rough or smooth, rain or shine, we follow the road. Detours, off ramps, and road construction may change our course, but ultimately, we know our destination. Getting sleepy, I notice the road is straight, and narrow....
Two nights. Two parties. Too good of a time! So today, was like, round 2!!! Woke up hella cracked out from the previous night at around 2pm. Never felt so shitty before! No headache, but overall, just shitty. Went to work at 3. Ended up having to close up the shop at 6pm. Minh's mom is in the hospital, so there was no one to close shop regularly. Set up for the party, which was (and is still) off the hook! Got a kegger and a couple dj's, spinning underground hip hop and my fav, Drum n Bass!
Tonight was a different vibe. Blazed out instead of drink. My ex was here. Lots of my friends stopped by. My cousins came! Lotsa people I didn't know. And, it's MY HOUSE! Twas great, really just great. Well, I have church in a few and have to lector for it also! So go to sleep, I will.
Oh, as for the way I feel about T.O.S It'll have to be described by a smily!

Oh, as for the way I feel about T.O.S It'll have to be described by a smily!

I've never been as drunk as I've been right now in my life.
Naks na man. This is crazy. How am I typing without mistakes. Habit I guess. If you want the truth, you'll definitely get it right now, lol. I love you all. Back to the party! :-D

Yay! Faded! About to hit up club Pure. It's been a long week. I need it. And about T.O.S..... Hmmmm, I sometimes wish for things I can't have, but oh well, I'm sure I'll be set straight someday. Hopefully. I'll just have to keep my eyes open, and my options available. Closing myself off isn't gonna do me any good, I've realized that. *sigh* How's it going, Ronnel? It's going...
Notha' lazy dog day. Got up at 2. Picked up my new headlight covers from the shop(which I don't like all that much). Ate at my Rents' house(yummy crab and fried rice that I cooked). Watched TV(Simpsons, Friends, etc.). Didn't feel like studying(WebCT is down anyways). Put up pictures(in my room) and wall paper instead(in my bathroom). Chilled with Mark. Ate at Roberto's. Now, I'm crashing out.
I'm happy I'm blogging again, more frequently. I'm happy for Mark on Ascension. I'm happy with my classes. I'm happy I can play better pong. I'm happy to have good friends, a great family, and a gorgeous life.
Wednesdays are my long days. Was woken up by Joe, luckily, who was calling me to play some ping pong action. Good thing he called. I slept through all my alarms! Grabbed jack in the crack b4 heading to school. Ate quickly at the gameroom, then played a quick game on pong with Drew. Rushed to Tagalog class and made it in time. Hurried over to Liguistics but Joanne still beat me there. Worked out after. Took the Hip Hop dance class taught by folks of UFX. Don't pay for it since Nathalie ses we don't have to! Moved my car over to the CCC and then chilled with Nathalie, and played a bit of DDR. Hit up the KP meeting, where Joanne decides to come last minute after some persuasion. She leaves me though, for the MASA meeting, which I swear someday I'll check out. Leave the meeting only to find it sprinkling. Great. Just great. Head over back to RIMAC where I meet Mark and let him borrow my parking permit, which I just realize right now that I forgot to get back. Oh shit, lemme call him up right now.... Ok, back. Played ping pong until Mark got done with Ascension practice. The guys I played were good. I beat the first guy, played Joe and lost, then played another guy, which I beat too but not as easily as the first. Got some training by the coordinator of the club, who gave me some great pointers. Left at around 10:30pm only to eat at TGIF's with Mark, Joe, and our new friend Omega. Had nummy nummy Jack Daniel's wings. ^_^ Got home around midnight, loafed around, talked online, then played some Melee w/ Mark and Matt. Now I'm blogging before I sleep! Yay for Wednesday. Good night, sleep tight, let the bed bugs bite, HARD. :-p
Didn't get ANY studying done last nite. And tonight was no different! Went down to home home this morning. Grandma's sister and her husband came in from Australia today. Many presents like small clip on koalas(my fav animal!), toblerone chocolate(nummy!), aussie corned beef(more nummies!), and gloves and t-shirts. Best of all, their company! My family is happy again. I remember the last time the came down was around the same time last yr, when my grandma was near death in a hospital bed. Very, very sad times. It was my b-day month, and halloween, but a family member in sickness makes everyone forget everything else. I don't blame anyone, nor hold any grudges, I completely understand that when it boils down to it, family comes first. Blood will ALWAYS be thicker than water, especially in the family that I come from. Spent the day with my "own blood" then came home(my place) only to watch Smallville and get some hw assignments done. Dunno what to talk about. I have a lot of feelings mixed up right now in my brain and body. Fuck. I have some organizing of some sorts to accomplish when I get the time, not just with school, but with my life itself. Did I ever mention that girls are confusing as fuck sometimes!? Well, if I didn't, I have now. It's no wonder I have been non-single for only 3 months of my life. Maybe I just don't get it, or, maybe I don't wanna get it just yet. Ahhh, whatever. I'm not gonna stress, cuz I never really have before. No reason to start it myself now. Only reason I have before was because I was provoked. Haay buhay. Although, I do have to admit, it IS way more fun than it was before. Yup. I'm having fun now, a different kind of fun, and I'm happy with it. Life can be serious, but what good will life be if it's always serious. How does that make it worthwhile? It does and it doesn't. Balance, life is balance. Hehe, on I go.....
My Monday started way earlier...
-Procrastinated but cleaned my room, and bathroom
-Found out I had LIGN 101 HW due
-Did HW til 4am
-More HW at 10am
-COGSCI 3 quiz @ 12pm
-Tagalog quiz @ 1pm
-LIGN 101 class @ 2pm
-Worked out @ RIMAC @ 3pm
-Crashed Hip Hop class with Nathalie @ 4pm
-Worked @ Quickly @ 530pm
-Home @ 930pm
-Buffalo Wing session with Eugene @ 1030pm
-Joe's place @ 12am
-Lauren's place @ 1230am
-Came to many "Jedi Revelations" with Lauren :-p
-Back home @ 3am
-Blog @ 330am
-Sleep right after!
What a day! *sigh of relief*
-Procrastinated but cleaned my room, and bathroom
-Found out I had LIGN 101 HW due
-Did HW til 4am
-More HW at 10am
-COGSCI 3 quiz @ 12pm
-Tagalog quiz @ 1pm
-LIGN 101 class @ 2pm
-Worked out @ RIMAC @ 3pm
-Crashed Hip Hop class with Nathalie @ 4pm
-Worked @ Quickly @ 530pm
-Home @ 930pm
-Buffalo Wing session with Eugene @ 1030pm
-Joe's place @ 12am
-Lauren's place @ 1230am
-Came to many "Jedi Revelations" with Lauren :-p
-Back home @ 3am
-Blog @ 330am
-Sleep right after!
What a day! *sigh of relief*
Another FULL weekend. Wow, I'm finding myself blogging on Sundays. How weird is that!?!
Friday was Fall Fest @ UCSD. Saw Blackalicioius, MXPX, and the best part of the night, Jurassic 5!!! After that, I got a quick bite to eat at In N Out with Jeff and Ryan, cuz I was HELLA STARVIN! The best BEST part tho was gettin messed up (again, I know, I know) at Judy's new apt. in the clairemont area. Luckily, my buddy Jeff has the "power" and we picked up goodies before heading over. Mark, Anthony, and Marianne were part of the group that gallivanted over with me, and we met a handful of people who were already there. My roomie Matt was a bit mad at me for getting there kinda late. Anyways, there was a good deal of MELEE action and some serious ass-whooping was being passed around. I got a fair share of SMASHING but yeah, these guys were good. Don't remember leaving until around 5ish! Jeff and Marianne chilled for a bit at my place until they left. By that time, I was well crashed out.
Was woken up by Jelyn on Saturday around 1. It's great waking up to the sound of her voice ^_^ Yeah, i had to get up, even tho i was tired and slightly cracked out from all that drinking. Promised my mom I'll be home for the weekend. *sigh* Drove down south but made a detour in University to drop of my new headlight covers for my car, to get paint acton on dem' babies. Sadly, one of my old ones got stolen so I had to remove both of em and I dunno why I bothered to get new ones. Oh well. I'm tired of spending money on my car. SERIOUSLY. After this, it's mostly gonna be maintenance money thats spent on it. Cuz FUCK, people dont know how to open doors, or back up, or DRIVE CARS. My car is beat up (dings, dents, scratches, keyed, hits, and accidents), has over 50K miles, and doesn't deserve more than it already has. I mean, if it was faster, which it isn't, then, and MAYBE then, it'll get more attention from me. But I'm sick, and broke, and no longer ballin' with a high paying job (like last yr! I know there are a FEW of you who hate me for that job) so no more money for useless crap. And don't say gambling! Gambling is differnt, ok!?!? Btw, who wants to hit up the casinos sometime soon? I could use a few extra dollars, heehee. Later that night, I see "The Rules of Attraction" with my cousin Oliver who's rarely in town due to his soul-binding contract in the Navy, and with Lauren, who is freaked at having one of the main characters in the movie named Lauren also. :-D The movie was...... VERY INTERESTING. Lotsa cinematography and new film style action. IE split screen, forward and rewind, etc etc etc. Head to my Quickly's afterwards, since everyone was in the mood for BOBA, and since Quickly was the only place open. Dayam, there was a lot of heads up in derre! :-p I helped out a bit and hooked up my friends with drinks. Chilled fer a bit, then headed home.
Sunday was pretty typical. Church at 10. Lunch after. It was at VIP's tho, very satisfying, and with great company. Hit up Price Club, er Costco then Commissary. Got Pizza Hut for dinner, then headed to my pad. Unloaded all my shit, which took forever and a day. And now, I should start hw, but instead I'm online. Yay me!
Friday was Fall Fest @ UCSD. Saw Blackalicioius, MXPX, and the best part of the night, Jurassic 5!!! After that, I got a quick bite to eat at In N Out with Jeff and Ryan, cuz I was HELLA STARVIN! The best BEST part tho was gettin messed up (again, I know, I know) at Judy's new apt. in the clairemont area. Luckily, my buddy Jeff has the "power" and we picked up goodies before heading over. Mark, Anthony, and Marianne were part of the group that gallivanted over with me, and we met a handful of people who were already there. My roomie Matt was a bit mad at me for getting there kinda late. Anyways, there was a good deal of MELEE action and some serious ass-whooping was being passed around. I got a fair share of SMASHING but yeah, these guys were good. Don't remember leaving until around 5ish! Jeff and Marianne chilled for a bit at my place until they left. By that time, I was well crashed out.
Was woken up by Jelyn on Saturday around 1. It's great waking up to the sound of her voice ^_^ Yeah, i had to get up, even tho i was tired and slightly cracked out from all that drinking. Promised my mom I'll be home for the weekend. *sigh* Drove down south but made a detour in University to drop of my new headlight covers for my car, to get paint acton on dem' babies. Sadly, one of my old ones got stolen so I had to remove both of em and I dunno why I bothered to get new ones. Oh well. I'm tired of spending money on my car. SERIOUSLY. After this, it's mostly gonna be maintenance money thats spent on it. Cuz FUCK, people dont know how to open doors, or back up, or DRIVE CARS. My car is beat up (dings, dents, scratches, keyed, hits, and accidents), has over 50K miles, and doesn't deserve more than it already has. I mean, if it was faster, which it isn't, then, and MAYBE then, it'll get more attention from me. But I'm sick, and broke, and no longer ballin' with a high paying job (like last yr! I know there are a FEW of you who hate me for that job) so no more money for useless crap. And don't say gambling! Gambling is differnt, ok!?!? Btw, who wants to hit up the casinos sometime soon? I could use a few extra dollars, heehee. Later that night, I see "The Rules of Attraction" with my cousin Oliver who's rarely in town due to his soul-binding contract in the Navy, and with Lauren, who is freaked at having one of the main characters in the movie named Lauren also. :-D The movie was...... VERY INTERESTING. Lotsa cinematography and new film style action. IE split screen, forward and rewind, etc etc etc. Head to my Quickly's afterwards, since everyone was in the mood for BOBA, and since Quickly was the only place open. Dayam, there was a lot of heads up in derre! :-p I helped out a bit and hooked up my friends with drinks. Chilled fer a bit, then headed home.
Sunday was pretty typical. Church at 10. Lunch after. It was at VIP's tho, very satisfying, and with great company. Hit up Price Club, er Costco then Commissary. Got Pizza Hut for dinner, then headed to my pad. Unloaded all my shit, which took forever and a day. And now, I should start hw, but instead I'm online. Yay me!
This has been one crazy weekend. Got messed up with Matt and Marianne on Friday while watching Night at the Roxbury. Went to a Lamda party that got broken up by cops and a "ghetto bird" on Saturday! (lotsa hot girls, btw) And tried out for Ascension this past night. (but didn't make it, so sad) Other mentionables: Kuya Oliver is back for a while after being away for so long. (Navy action) VSA dance on Saturday. Rainier's b-day was yesterday. Church fall festival was yesterday also.
SUPER HONARABLE MENTION: My dope-ass, dance floor tearing, super dancer brother MARK made Ascension. I do have to say I'm a bit jealous, but ONLY because I already HAVE BEEN! No added jealously, just the strengthening of previous existence. Mark, you KNOW you can dance, so don't bullshit me with the "I got lucky" crap! You made EVERY cut. And now, you're there. Hopefully, I'll be there someday with you, but I guess it's not my time. My prayers and luck wishing travel with you now, on top on my respect that just increased tenfold cuz my brutha is on ASCENSION!!!!!! With the BREEZIESSSSS!!! Mutha fucka, hahahahahaha. I'm proud of you.....
Wow, I choked. I froze. And choked. Call it lack of experience, call it sucking, whatever it was, shouldn't have, but it did, and I can't change that now. I did have fun. I did learn a thing or two. And I came out knowing a little more about myself. PLUS, got the number of this HOT HOT breezy whose dancing makes you wanna nut! :-p jk Met a lot of cool people there, and realized the world is not small, though it may seem so sometimes. Given what did happen and all, slightly disappointing, and such, I'll still sleep happy tonight. Good night everyone, and never pass up opportunities, especially if they're fun!
SUPER HONARABLE MENTION: My dope-ass, dance floor tearing, super dancer brother MARK made Ascension. I do have to say I'm a bit jealous, but ONLY because I already HAVE BEEN! No added jealously, just the strengthening of previous existence. Mark, you KNOW you can dance, so don't bullshit me with the "I got lucky" crap! You made EVERY cut. And now, you're there. Hopefully, I'll be there someday with you, but I guess it's not my time. My prayers and luck wishing travel with you now, on top on my respect that just increased tenfold cuz my brutha is on ASCENSION!!!!!! With the BREEZIESSSSS!!! Mutha fucka, hahahahahaha. I'm proud of you.....
Wow, I choked. I froze. And choked. Call it lack of experience, call it sucking, whatever it was, shouldn't have, but it did, and I can't change that now. I did have fun. I did learn a thing or two. And I came out knowing a little more about myself. PLUS, got the number of this HOT HOT breezy whose dancing makes you wanna nut! :-p jk Met a lot of cool people there, and realized the world is not small, though it may seem so sometimes. Given what did happen and all, slightly disappointing, and such, I'll still sleep happy tonight. Good night everyone, and never pass up opportunities, especially if they're fun!
Today was very productive......
Woke up and ate lunch with my mommy downtown. Got some YUMMY YUMMY CHICKEN TERIYAKI at horton plaza. ATE SO MUCH. Its all good tho. I'm happy that i'm gettin my old appetite back. Need to gain some weight. I know a lot of you would want to kill me for saying such a thing, but yeah... so sorry. Got back to UCSD and applied for a credit card to get some free stuff with my friend Nanette. Matt and Judy already applied before us. Them bastards didn't wait for me!!! Saw Jelyn and Arlyn on Library walk. Friggin Ar was poking me cuz I got a little bigger from my old scrawny self. Bought some nice shoes for $30, airwalks. Hit up RIMAC afterwards with Norman. Played a bit of pong. Then drove home in some CRAZY traffic on Genessee. Rested at home until friends came on. Watch TV for longer than expected. Then studied for a decent two hours at CLICS. Not a bad day... I'm gonna finish eating my spicy chicken sandwich now! ^_^
Woke up and ate lunch with my mommy downtown. Got some YUMMY YUMMY CHICKEN TERIYAKI at horton plaza. ATE SO MUCH. Its all good tho. I'm happy that i'm gettin my old appetite back. Need to gain some weight. I know a lot of you would want to kill me for saying such a thing, but yeah... so sorry. Got back to UCSD and applied for a credit card to get some free stuff with my friend Nanette. Matt and Judy already applied before us. Them bastards didn't wait for me!!! Saw Jelyn and Arlyn on Library walk. Friggin Ar was poking me cuz I got a little bigger from my old scrawny self. Bought some nice shoes for $30, airwalks. Hit up RIMAC afterwards with Norman. Played a bit of pong. Then drove home in some CRAZY traffic on Genessee. Rested at home until friends came on. Watch TV for longer than expected. Then studied for a decent two hours at CLICS. Not a bad day... I'm gonna finish eating my spicy chicken sandwich now! ^_^
Whew! Gots lots to talk about......
Summer school grades results!!!!! MMW 6, got a C. Not too worried, I got what I deserved. Besides, I'm already tired of this MMW shit. Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck. At least I passed eh? But... I found my BILD 12 grade ridicously funnny. Guess what I got? Before you do, I'll tell you the final was worth 70%!!! Well, take a guess! Nooo, not a B. No, thats not even funny. An A you say? Well, you ARE getting warmer... But an A is not even funny either! C, hah! C!?!? No way!? I'm not that dumb. I got an A+!!!!! I didn't even know those existed! It's my first A+ ever at UCSD. Friggin' proud of myself. Take THAT regents. :-p AND I worked out a lot. Booya Mofos!
Quickly Tea:
Work is still the same. I love my flexible "dream" job. Sure, I can't be no big balla anymore, but hey, at least my work doesn't take away years from my life like my old job did. Last night, well, two nights ago, APSA came over after the first GBM and had a mini fundraiser! Sure, they only got about 10% of revenue, but at no cost to them. It was crazy though, we had to call in reinforcements just to handle the APSA crowd. We even ran out of boba but cooked an emergency batch. People were surprised to see me working there, cuz they knew I used to go there A LOT. Not everyone knows I've been working there since spring qrt last school yr. Yeah, its chillin' and I'm not one to complain....
So school started for me last Friday. Last Thursday for just about everyone else at UCSD. I just have no classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Heeheehee. ^_^ It's going alright, for the meantime. Trying to keep up with things and get all my homework and reading done. I'm "on the ball" so far. Let's hope I don't fall off! Been to the APSA and KP meetings of first week. Very interesting...... Lots of people, lots of familiar faces, lots of CUTE GIRLS. :-p School has been long awaited, but long dreaded. Let's see how the year rolls along.
Met so many new people!!! I think my AIM BL doubled already! :-p Got to chill with new people, new friends, old people, old friends, and some people who I've known for a while that ended up at UCSD. Just to name a couple, Marianne and Jelyn now go to UCSD. I'll be meeting up with Norman tomorrow to hit up RIMAC. Man, this people are making me feel old, even though I'm only 19!!! Time flies people, time FRIGGIN' flies. Make the most of it, because the hands of time aren't reversible. What you plan to do tomorrow may not happen, and what has happened cannot be changed. LIVE LIFE!!! Just LIVE IT!!! Well anyways, I'm already loving this year, and remember, I love you all....
Summer school grades results!!!!! MMW 6, got a C. Not too worried, I got what I deserved. Besides, I'm already tired of this MMW shit. Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck. At least I passed eh? But... I found my BILD 12 grade ridicously funnny. Guess what I got? Before you do, I'll tell you the final was worth 70%!!! Well, take a guess! Nooo, not a B. No, thats not even funny. An A you say? Well, you ARE getting warmer... But an A is not even funny either! C, hah! C!?!? No way!? I'm not that dumb. I got an A+!!!!! I didn't even know those existed! It's my first A+ ever at UCSD. Friggin' proud of myself. Take THAT regents. :-p AND I worked out a lot. Booya Mofos!
Quickly Tea:
Work is still the same. I love my flexible "dream" job. Sure, I can't be no big balla anymore, but hey, at least my work doesn't take away years from my life like my old job did. Last night, well, two nights ago, APSA came over after the first GBM and had a mini fundraiser! Sure, they only got about 10% of revenue, but at no cost to them. It was crazy though, we had to call in reinforcements just to handle the APSA crowd. We even ran out of boba but cooked an emergency batch. People were surprised to see me working there, cuz they knew I used to go there A LOT. Not everyone knows I've been working there since spring qrt last school yr. Yeah, its chillin' and I'm not one to complain....
So school started for me last Friday. Last Thursday for just about everyone else at UCSD. I just have no classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Heeheehee. ^_^ It's going alright, for the meantime. Trying to keep up with things and get all my homework and reading done. I'm "on the ball" so far. Let's hope I don't fall off! Been to the APSA and KP meetings of first week. Very interesting...... Lots of people, lots of familiar faces, lots of CUTE GIRLS. :-p School has been long awaited, but long dreaded. Let's see how the year rolls along.
Met so many new people!!! I think my AIM BL doubled already! :-p Got to chill with new people, new friends, old people, old friends, and some people who I've known for a while that ended up at UCSD. Just to name a couple, Marianne and Jelyn now go to UCSD. I'll be meeting up with Norman tomorrow to hit up RIMAC. Man, this people are making me feel old, even though I'm only 19!!! Time flies people, time FRIGGIN' flies. Make the most of it, because the hands of time aren't reversible. What you plan to do tomorrow may not happen, and what has happened cannot be changed. LIVE LIFE!!! Just LIVE IT!!! Well anyways, I'm already loving this year, and remember, I love you all....